CRAVEN farmer Neil Heseltine has been elected chair of National Parks England.

Neil, from Malhamdale, is already chair of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority - a role he is continuing - and is a strong advocate for sustainable farming practices. He recently appeared on David Attenborough’s acclaimed ‘Saving Our Wild Isles’ documentary expressing his view that a successful farm business can work with nature not against it, and that farming within natural processes is important for the health and welfare of livestock, the environment, and biodiversity.

Neil said: “I am proud to chair National Parks England and the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority at a time when there is so much to do to improve outcomes for climate and nature. 

“As national parks we should strive to be role models for nature and climate so as people spend time in these landscapes they leave inspired to do whatever they can to support climate and nature recovery.

“So I’m looking forward to working with colleagues, partners and others as we continue to deliver the vitally important climate, nature, and public access and engagement projects in National Parks across the country, and press Government hard to provide the resources we so desperately need to achieve the ambitions we have.