A FREE event in Addingham in July will show the ways in which under utilised green space and water courses can be used to make more space for nature.

Friends of the Dales together with Addingham Environment Group will on July 1 be inviting people to see what has been achieved.

A spokesperson for Friends of the Dales said: "There will be an opportunity to join one of two guided walks through the village to see the nature positive actions taken to create, improve and increase habitats, support clean water and increase biodiversity.

"It will include a review of hedge planting, wildflower and pollinator plantations, pond building, riparian planting, hide building, bog garden creation and riverfly sampling within housing areas, school, recreation fields and rural fringe.

It will run from 10am to 3pm. To book email: victoria.benn@friendsofthedales.org.uk or visit www.friendsofthedales.org.uk