WHAT most film stars wouldn’t give for just one iconic role on their CV. Mark Hamill got Luke Skywalker and Michael J. Fox nabbed Marty McFly. Sigourney Weaver’s was Ellen Ripley and Linda Blair took Sarah Connor. Such roles are hard to come by.

Or, rather, they’re a challenge to find if your name isn’t Harrison Ford. Not content with the worldwide fame he instantly secured as Han Solo in 1977’s original Star Wars, Ford would go on to play two more all time screen legends in the next five years alone.

While 1982 would see Ford head up Ridley Scott cult classic Blade Runner, it was an action adventure caper, released a year prior, that transformed Ford from one hit wonder to all time great. Forty-one years later, Indiana Jones is back.

In theory, Dial of Destiny will serve as one final bow for Dr. Jones. While 2008’s Kingdom of the Crystal Skull offered the character something of a happy ending, it was Ford himself that plugged for a further stab at definitive closure. Octogenarians can’t keep bounding off on archaeological adventures forever, after all.

An opening flashback sees Ford de-aged to the youth of his original trilogy heydays. The year is 1944 and Indy is on the hunt for Nazi pilfered artefacts, accompanied by Toby Jones’ Basil Shaw. The pair succeed in foiling the attempts of Nazi scientist Jürgen Voller (Mads Mikkelsen) to get his hands on the legendary Archemeaies Dial. This being a device capable of allowing the user to travel in time.

A quarter of a century later, Jones finds himself driven from retirement in alarm on learning that the US government have recruited ex-Nazis, including Voller, to aid their efforts in the space race. It’s a fascists best Communists principle. With the whole world in danger, Jones must team up with his goddaughter, Basil’s daughter, Helena Shaw (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) to stop Voller getting his hands on the dial of destiny.

The film is the first in the series not to be directed by Stephen Spielberg. At the helm instead is X-Men alumni James Mangold. Dial is no less fundamentally daft than Kingdom but proves a lot more fun. The action zips along nicely, with enough zingers in the script to keep things wry. Watch out too for scenes set in our very own North Yorkshire.