RESIDENTS of Barnoldswick and Earby are being urged to get involved in planning the future of their communities by having an input in first ever master plans.

Draft master plans for the two towns, and also one for Colne, are being developed by Pendle Council. Each plan, the council says, will create an individual vision for the town for the next 10 to 15-years.

Engagement events took place in October led by PLACED, an independent engagement team, and the team is now returning to Barnoldswick and Earby to present their findings and get feedback from residents.

Councillor Asjad Mahmood, leader of Pendle Borough Council, said: “Colne, Barnoldswick and Earby have not had master plans before, so this is a fantastic opportunity to create ambitious visions for their future which we hope will boost new investment and development in the towns.

“Throughout the process it’s been important to us that all three master plans highlight the unique quality and character of each town.They will focus on employment opportunities, the retail offer, leisure opportunities, and housing, healthcare and community facilities.

“If our town centres adapt, they can continue to be economic drivers for the borough and help to play a key role in our economic aspirations.

“Input from residents and businesses means that we can shape the towns the way that you want us to, and we look forward to hearing their views.”

OPEN, the design team employed by the council, is looking at how people travel around the towns and the wider area, how the towns feel for those walking around them and what would create a stronger economy.

It is also exploring what would make a good mix of facilities for local people and visitors alike.

Alongside this, the team is looking at what measures can be taken to address climate change and protect the natural environment.

Phillip Spurr, Director of Place for Pendle Borough Council, said: “Understanding local people’s priorities is hugely important to us so please come along to our workshops to tell us what you think a masterplan for your town should include.

“We’d also like your feedback on the initial ideas which have been shaped by our previous engagement events.

“We expect there will be a lot of interest in this process, so I would urge everyone interested to book a place if you can."

Workshops last for two hours. They will take place on Thursday, July 13 at Barnoldswick Civic Hall, Station Road, from 5.30pm to 7.30pm; and on July 14 at Linden Community Hall, Earby, from 10am to midday.

Visit the council’s website to book a place and find out more: