ROBBING Peter to pay Paul comes to mind with the threat from The Finance Department of the Leeds Diocese which has issued High Court Proceedings against the trustees of Rathmell Old School to take possession of the buildings and site of the school which was officially closed in 2017.

I think it apt to start by reminding the Finance Department of the Diocese of Leeds of the 10th Commandment "Thou shalt not steal" because this is what they are attempting to do by taking out such an action against these people.

From my recollections of an early age, starting at Sunday School, these words were drummed into us as to how to live our lives for the benefit of all.

However, sadly it seems that today these words do not apply to the Diocesan bankers.

It is not so long ago that a successful campaign raised many thousands of pounds from villagers to put a new roof on Holy Trinity.

Now, instead of building on this good will those people in the Church hierarchy see it as their right to grab one of the remaining assets of this village, namely the village school, which, as the Trustees have proof in documents dating from 1716 , has never belonged to them.

The Good Book has many recollections of Jesus throwing the money changers out of the Temple, might we call for help to assist us to remind those at the Diocese that Charity begins at home and to withdraw their impertinent and money grabbing proposal.

Rathmell School never belonged to the Church authority and what hurts even more, any monies raised from their action will not be used for the benefit of Rathmell or even Holy Trinity. The upkeep of which will still fall on the goodwill of the congregation.

This action will not stop with Rathmell, be warned, other villages will soon find they are next in line.

Any help to fight this Amoeba will be so welcome and details can be found on

Rosemary Crabtree



*Diocese of Leeds response: “Numerous attempts to resolve this matter have been met with antagonism and so, regrettably, the only solution is to seek clarification in law. As this process is underway, the diocese must decline politely from commenting further at this stage.”