GRASSINGTON-based Dales Dairies has come to the rescue of parents who faced increased costs for an Upper Wharfedale School trip to Poland this October.

The GCSE students will be visiting The Jewish Ghetto, Auschwitz Birkenau, The Holocaust Museum, and the salt mines, this will contribute greatly to the World War Two studies.

However, because of constant price increases through inflation, the price of the trip was growing too and the shortfall of funds was falling on parents.

Dales Dairies, which employs several former students, was happy to step in and plug the funding gap.

The directors, drivers and staff at the dairy all have connections with the school and are delighted their donation was of assistance.

History will also be revisited at the 1940s weekend in Grassington this September. Keep a look out for Friends of Upper Wharfedale School who will be raising funds at an upcoming coffee morning at Church House.