WEST Craven councillors will be asked next week to approve detailed plans to build 30 new homes on the outskirts of Barnoldswick.

After deferring a decision on the application by Tabley Homes (Barnoldswick) at its meeting last month, the West Craven Committee of Pendle Council is being recommended to approve the scheme at its meeting in Earby on Tuesday, August 1.

A report to the meeting to be held at Mount Zion Baptist Chapel recommends approval, but with conditions, for the site off Skipton Road and to the north east of Meadow Way.

It states following the deferral in July, the applicant returned with an amended landscaping scheme to create a 'further softening of the transition from open countryside to the housing development and to look at the possibility of connecting the pavement on Coates Lane through to the cycle path.'

Outline permission for the site has already been given.

Also on the agenda for Tuesday evening's meeting is a request by the owner of the Gospel Hall in Hollins Road, Barnoldswick, for the lifting of a restrictive covenant so it can be used for residential development.

Following its last meeting, the committee sent out questionnaires to the residents of 13 nearby properties seeking their opinions.