THE start of this year’s grouse season on August 12 will not only herald the availability of sustainable and delicious wild produce, it also highlights the hard work that is carried out year-round by gamekeepers and land managers.

These unsung heroes manage moorlands to create outstanding habitats for many rare and endangered birds which is why most grouse moors are internationally-protected habitats.

Without these people, these landscapes simply would not exist. Grouse shooting is worth an estimated £100 million to the economy each year and supports more than 2,500 full-time jobs.

In turn shooting benefits pubs, hotels and other local retail outlets. In the uplands, this can mean the difference in viability for fragile rural communities.

While August 12 is the first day of the season, the benefits of grouse shooting are present all year around. For the UK government to succeed in its environmental targets, it must value and support grouse moor management.


Alex Farrell

Head of uplands

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC)

Marford Mill
