A RANGE of greetings cards created by Settle Photographic Group will be launched at the club's annual exhibition due to take place over the August bank holiday weekend at Clapham Village Hall.

Yvonne Fairclough, joint exhibition co-ordinator, said: “The exhibition is the culmination of a year’s activity for us. It aims to demonstrate not only the group’s range of skills but our personal interests.

"It seemed the perfect forum in which to launch our new card range, and we are very excited that members’ photographs will reach a new audience through our cards.”

With images covering subjects including farming, flowers, insects, landscapes, trains and much much more, this year’s exhibition demonstrates a wide range of techniques and styles including close up and monochrome. Many photographs will be available for sale alongside a selection of additional work by members.

The annual exhibition is being preceded by a town trail, from August 2 to August 21, which sees a selection of exhibition photos on display in shop windows around Settle.

Tim Fearon, joint coordinator, added: "We reach a large number of people through our town trail, and even more when the full selection of photos goes on display in Clapham.

"Our members come from all over the area, so you can see a wide range of influences from across Craven, as well as lots of individual photographic passions and styles. We hope visitors find our photos stimulating on a creative level, as well as inspiring budding photographers to join us.

"It’s fantastic that we have more and more members joining who use mobile phones as their main or only camera and we have some of those in the exhibition. We hope that as many people as possible come to the exhibition, have a cuppa and some cake and see what we have to offer.”

Harry Pinkerton, chair of the group, added: “From its formation in 2008, the group has grown to a membership of about 40.

"We are proud to offer a warm welcome to anyone interested in photography, irrespective of their experience, age, skill level or specific interest. If you're interested in getting involved, do get in touch by emailing secretary@settlephotos.org.”

Find out more about Settle Photographic Group at:www.settlephotos.org.

The exhibition will take place at Clapham Village Hall from 10am to 5pm, from Saturday, August 26 to Monday, August 28.