CRAVEN primary schools joined forces with South Craven School in Cross Hills to put on a celebration of Shakespeare.

The performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest, at South Craven School, was the finale of three years of work with the schools and the Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation.

Thanks to funding from The Esmée Fairburn Foundation as part of a new regional programme, 'Off-Grid Shakespeare' aims to bring Shakespeare to some of the most rural areas in the UK.

Schools taking part were Kildwick CoE; Cowling CP, Sutton CoE, Thornton-in-Craven CP, Embsay CoE, St Joseph’s Catholic School in Barnoldswick, and Boyle and Petyt.

The project involved teacher training, workshops, and rehearsal support culminating in performances at South Craven School's Fells Theatre.

A spokesperson said: "Students performed with extraordinary enthusiasm and incredible understanding to capacity audiences and transported us to wonderful worlds of enchanted forests and magical islands. It showed just how varied performances of Shakespeare’s plays can be, and that they can have relevance for any young person in today’s climate."