ANYONE wanting to enjoy the last hurrah of summer and head for the Dales this weekend is reminded that the roads are narrow, farmers are trying to get their hay in and there is not only the chance of damage to your vehicle if you park badly, but the police won't be happy either.

The Mercedes pictured was a casualty from parking last summer in what is likely the narrowest part of the road at Burnsall.

No doubt the owner was horrified when he got back from his picnic to see his pride and joy damaged on every panel from front to back. Even the door mirror was hanging off. Doubtless the owner's insurance company wasn't best pleased either.

Back in June this year, North Yorkshire Police issued a statement saying repeated bad parking will result in enforcement action.

It came after numerous complaints of inconsiderate parking at Dales beauty spots which was affecting residents and people trying to get about their daily business.

So anyone heading to one of these spots as the mercury is predicted to reach 27oC this weekend, remember to park with consideration or you may need a little more than a dab of T-Cut (other metal polish products are available) to put things right.