SOME time ago I wrote a letter to the Craven Herald after I had been told the Fisher family wanted their name removed from Modality's medical centre, in Coach Street, Skipton, and I asked if Modality could enlighten us about this.

The response: silence, so I now know how their patients feel. Since then I have been told that the excellent Dyneley House Surgery, in the town, has stopped taking patients transfering from Modality because there are too many to cope with. If that is the case - perhaps Dyneley House could confirm if this is true - then what a sad reflection on Modality.

Josh Horne


Response: A spokesperson for Dyneley House said: "Dyneley House Surgery is not currently registering patients who live within the practice’s catchment who are already registered with another practice. This is not a decision that we have taken lightly. The size of our patient list has grown quickly in the last 12 months. In order to continue to ensure that we continue to provide a high standard of care for our patients we are not registering new patients who are already registered with another practice within our catchment area. We are still registering patients who change address or who are not registered with a GP practice. We are keeping this position under review."