A TALK on Skipton Market 'past and present' has kicked of f the new season of talks from Skipton Civic Society.

The first of the monthly public speaker talks, delivered by town councillor, Claire Nash, took place yesterday (October 4)  and will be followed every month with talks on a range of subjects delivered by experts in a variety of fields.

The civic society, which is due to move from its home in St Andrew's Church Hall, Newmarket Street, to Craven Arts House, Otley Street, concerns itself with 'the look and feel of the town' .

That includes reducing pollution and greening of streets to commenting on planned changes to both ancient and modern buildings.

Susan Wrathmell, the society's executive member leading on its contribution to the Heritage Action Zone, said there was an exciting programme ahead.

"The speakers this season reflect the wide range of expertise and interest here in the town, considering business and environmental issues, the threats to our built heritage, and looking at other towns such as Keighley, Morecambe and Ilkley."

Monthly meetings are held at 7.30pm at the Education Room, Skipton Town Hall. £3 to members and £5 to non-members. Find out more about joining the society and its programme by emailing: contact@civicsocietyskipton.org