
Church news: Sunday 1st October - 9.30am Austwick & Eldroth Holy Communion. 11.00am Clapham Holy Communion.

Austwick WI: The president welcomed members, friends and neighbouring WIs to the September meeting where Hilary McCumiskey was the guest speaker. Hilary described her very varied and interesting life but in particular her time spent in the costume department at the Northern Ballet. Her skills in dressmaking, her meeting and working with Rudolf Nureyev and the day to day running of the ballet was described in an interesting, informative and entertaining manner with lots of visual props. The next meeting on Thursday October 12th in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm will be the AGM when light refreshments will be served.

Piccalillis Pickleball Club: Open play on Tuesday & Saturday mornings at local venues. Equipment provided & fun assured! Please contact us for session times. New members welcome. Carole Scurr – More information on the village website.

Parish Newsletter: September - December 2023 - The Austwick Parish Newsletter will be distributed on paper soon and is available for download from the village website Many thanks to all contributors! Feedback/ideas are always welcome. The copy deadline for the next edition is December 15th.

Austwick Film Nights: Commence Friday 13th October “The Unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry” (12). Tickets in advance from Cross Leigh Store £4.50 or on the door £5.00 - Cabaret style seating, refreshments and bar - 7.30pm start.


History Society: The first meeting of the new season of talks at Barnoldswick History Society is being held tonight (September 28). The speaker will be Jenny Hill, curator of the Craven Museum, Skipton, and her talk is entitled “Behind the Scenes at Craven Museum”. The meeting will be at The Pensioners Centre in Frank Street, Barnoldswick, commencing at 7-30pm. New members and guests are also welcome.

Bump and Baby: A second annual and free Bump and Baby event is taking place on Sunday, October 8, at St Joseph's Community Centre, Bolland Street, Barnoldswick, from 1pm to 4pm. There will be stalls selling pre-loved baby and maternity clothes. There will also be a stand from Daisy First Aid Ribble Valley offering lots of first aid information for little ones. Follow the group on Facebook at:

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday we celebrate Harvest Festival. This is one of the most popular services in the Church and resonates particularly with rural communities who are closely connected with the land and the production of our food. But whilst we give thanks to God for the fruits of his creation, at this moment in time, we are all acutely conscious of the problem of climate change which is affecting the weather on our planet. This, in turn, affects the crops and livestock. As Christians, we understand ourselves to have been entrusted with God’s creation and have a responsibility for looking after the planet. We must all play our part in working to avert this climate crisis and must do so now. If we do this, then we will continue to celebrate the harvest. If we don’t, we will despoil the earth and have betrayed God’s gift to us all.

Macmillan Coffee Morning: We are yet again going to raise vital funds for Macmillan Cancer by taking part in ‘The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’. This is one of the most successful one day fundraising events in the UK. It will be held on Friday 29th September in Bolton Abbey Village Hall from 10.30 to 12.00. Tickets are £5 and available on the door. There will be homemade cakes and preserves on sale. There will be a raffle with an array of prizes. Donations towards the raffle, cake stall and cakes to serve with coffee will be gratefully accepted. The response to this charity in Bolton Abbey has always been extremely generous. People, from both the local area, the Priory Church and further afield, donate and spend generously to support this cause. If you. If you are in Church before that it can be left in the Macmillan box. Offers of help on the day, cakes and raffle prizes will be gratefully received. Any queries please contact Margaret Cody 01756 710238.

The Wednesday Nighters: The next meeting is on Wednesday 4th October at 7.30 pm in Bolton Abbey Village Hall. The speaker on this occasion is our own Chris Myers whose presentation is entitled ‘The OffGrid Gardner’. Chris entertained us with his exploits as a landscape gardener a few years ago so we are looking forward to see the direction his career has gone. Tickets for the Christmas Dinner will be on sale.


Church news: St. Mary’s. Each Sunday at 11.15am; 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship; 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion; 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer; 11.15am Family Praise.

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: on Sunday 1st October we have a service of Compline Evensong at 4pm, a lovely reflective service with hymns, prayers, and readings, and a short homily. Do come. Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Revd Andrew Steer on


Coffee Morning: The friends of St Andrew’s Church are holding a coffee morning on Saturday, September 30 to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support at Cowling Village Hall, 10am - 12noon. Entry £3 per person to include tea/coffee and home baking. There will be a raffle, bric a brac stall, and cake stall. Donations of baking or items for the bric a brac stall would be very welcome,


Church news: St Augustine: Sunday October 1: 9.30am Family Harvest Festival Thanksgiving; 10.30am “How to navigate the Climate Crisis” : coffee, croissants, discussion and presentation with slides by eco-enthusiast Dave Cherry. Sunday October 8 :11.30am Morning Prayer.

St Augustine’s Family Harvest Festival takes place on Sunday 1st October at 9.30am. Donations of non-perishable food are requested for Skipton Food Bank. Please bring gifts along to the service or to the church in the afternoon of Saturday 30th September


Church news: All Saints Church. On Friday September 29th we will be holding our weekly prayers for the Community in the lounge at New Road Community Centre between 10am and 10.30am. Refreshments afterwards. On Saturday September 30th Messy Harvest is between 10.30am and 12noon, in the Church hall. Children of all ages are welcome, accompanied by an adult. On Sunday October 1st, Communion is at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden. All welcome.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor

Farnhill Parish Council: The next meeting will be held in the upstairs room of the Institute tonight (Thursday 28th), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (1st) starting at 11.00am and a mid-week Holy Communion at 9.30am on Wednesday (4th). St. Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm.

Pilates: Classes for both beginners and Improvers will take place at Farnhill Institute on Monday (2nd) – with classes at 5pm, 6.15pm and 7:30pm. Numbers are limited, so please contact or ring 07549 199670 for details and enrolment.


Jumble Sale: The wait is almost over - the much anticipated annual Jumble sale will be taking place at Gargrave Village Hall on Saturday commencing at 10.a.m until 1.p.m. A great selection of goods have been steadily coming in over the past few months. Further donations may be dropped off on Friday from 10.a.m up until 4.p.m. Please no large electrical items, televisions or printers and only furniture which will fit into a standard sized car. A tombola will also raise funds for the Village Hall and drinks and homemade cakes will be available to purchase in the Cafe. Bargains for everyone. Enquiries 07989 585564.

Railway Society: Skipton and district railway society meet at the Village Hall on the first and third Monday evening of each month and they would be delighted to welcome new members. Please contact Alex for further details on 01756 749631.

Church news: St Andrew’s Church: Sunday, October 1 8am BCP Holy Communion; 11am Family service - we start with bacon butties and a brew at 10:30. All welcome to any part of the service. Prayer is always available straight after the service if wanted. St Andrew’s Alpha course will be starting on Tuesday 3rd October. For more info. please email or phone Rev Andrew Steer on 01756 749275

Beer Festival: St Andrew’s Church October 27-28.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. On Sunday 1st October the service of Holy Communion at 9.30am will be led by Rev. Jonathan Womack. There will be an opportunity to chat with Jonathan and each other afterwards over a cup of tea or coffee. At 6pm there will be Evensong, during which the choir will sing John Rutter’s setting of the Gaelic Blessing and Howard Goodall’s Love Divine all loves excelling. Do come and join us for worship.

WI: The next meeting will be on the Thursday the 5th October at 7pm at the Settle swimming pool. Kendal Road where our speaker will be Stephen Wakelin, Wolfwood who will give an interesting talk on Wildlife rescue & Rehabilitation rehoming of dogs. New members & Visitors welcome.


Manorlands Support Group: Church House on Saturday, October 7 from 10am to 12 midday. Wharfedale Manorlands Support Group. Delicious coffee and biscuits for £2, Sue Ryder Christmas cards on sale and a new selection of a well known maker of men’s clothing. Please come and join us and meet friends old and new and maybe win the raffle.


Ken Leak:

Wesley centre: There will be a Drop-In Lunch at 12 noon today in the Centre. Community Pantry will be held on Friday from 2 till 3 pm. Kettlebells is held on Wednesdays from 6 till 8.30pm. Sunday service is held at 2 pm.

The Coffee Morning this Saturday morning will be an Institute event. There will be a fundraising stall present to raise money for the MacMillan appeal. From 10.00am. All welcome.

Helisingers: The choir will meet tomorrow in the Institute from 9.30 till 11.30pm. Contact Sue Alderson on 01729 851108 for details on joining the choir.

Heliarts: The Art group will meet on Tuesday the 3rd Oct in the Institute from 2 till 4 pm.

Heligames: The group meets on Wednesdays in the Institute from 2 till 4 pm. For card and board games with refreshments.

Messy monkeys: Children's activity group is held on Wednesdays in term time from 10.30am in the Institute. Contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126.

Hellifield house: Slimming World is held on Mondays from 7 pm. Contact Daiva on 07591 067861 for details. Bingo will be held on Sunday from 6.30 pm. All welcome.

Mothers' Union: The M.U. will meet on Wednesday 4th October in the Institute from 2 - 4 pm.


Harvest: The annual Harvest Festival will take place in St. Oswalds church on Sunday at 3.00pm . An auction of harvest items will follow the service and refreshments will be served.

Parkinsons party: An event was held recently at the home of the Wilson family of Selside when Rachel celebrated a special birthday. A barbecue was enjoyed by everyone and an amazing £1,932 has been raised so far for Parkinson’s UK and donations keep coming in.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday October 1st Morning Worship is at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 1st October we will be celebrating Harvest Festival at the 8.30am BCP Communion and the 10am Family Service. Church will be beautifully decorated for harvest, so please come and join us. We had a wonderful service of Choral Evensong last Sunday sung by Concordiamici, which was very well attended. The next service of Choral Evensong will be on Sunday 22nd October at 4pm, sung by the choir of St Alkelda’s Giggleswick, directed by Ellie Everhart. St Michael’s is open every day of the year from 9am to dusk. Facilities for visitors to make themselves a hot drink and information about the interesting history of our 15th Century church are available. We welcome enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Revd Sue on

Malhamdale Environmental Group: Tonight, Thursday 28th September at 7.30pm in Malham Village Hall. Agenda items: tree nursery, peat bog management, local nature recovery strategy, and other items of local environmental interest.

Long Preston

The 200 Club: Raising vital funds for Long Preston Village Hall. Renewal for membership for 2023-2024 now due. Only £15 per year. Monthly draw with prizes - 1 x £25, 1 x £15, 1 x £10 and two draws in December. We will start the new draw in October 2023. For an application form, please email or pick up a form from Village hall or outside post office.

Blister packs and stamps: We are continuing to collect empty blister packets at the Methodist Church. Thank you to everyone who has donated in the past. The donation are now being made to the Rotary Club at Settle. Their funds are used for local organisations so please keep supporting them. Packs can be dropped off at the Church on Friday or Sunday mornings or anytime at 3 Ribblesdale Estate, Long Preston. Used postage stamps are still being donated to the Hedgehog Charity. They can also be dropped off as above.

Church News: The service on Sunday 1st October at St Mary’s church will be Holy Communion with Rev James Rodley at 11am. The service in the Methodist Church also at 11am will be with Mrs Katherine Cheney. Everyone is welcome to either service.

Welcome space: This will begin again in the Methodist Church on Monday 2nd October from 1pm. Enjoy a 2-course meal for only £3. Contact Annette on 01729 840096 to book your meal.

Over 50s Free Coffee and Cake afternoon: This is today Thursday 28th September in the village hall from 1.30pm. Everyone over 50 is welcome. Free raffle, book/jigsaw swap.

Little Footsteps: At Little Footsteps playgroup, we have just celebrated our 1st birthday. We had a party with traditional food and party games. Great fun was had by everyone. We continue to meet each Monday during term time at the Methodist Chapel 10am-11.30am. Everyone is welcome.

Strong and Steady: (gentle exercises) continues at 1.30-2.30 in the Methodist Chapel. This is followed by coffee and chocolate biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome. Free transport available.

Craft Club: Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends. Tea and coffee is provided.

Pilates: Continues in the Village Hall on a Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5.

Table Top Sale: The WI is having a table top sale in the village hall on Saturday 7th October. Any groups in the village wanting a stall, please contact Jacquie on 07878 799589.


Church news: Settle Parish Church: The flower arrangers, led by Margaret Roberts, will be decorating Holy Ascension on Saturday morning ready for our “Harvest Thanksgiving” at the monthly Family Service on Sunday 1 October at 11am. Any offers of help, flowers and foliage will be very welcome on Saturday. Revd Jules Cox will be leading Sunday’s worship and would like to hear from folk who have memories of Harvest Festival traditions in decades past. “Harvest” gifts, in the form of tinned foods and non perishable items can be brought along on either Saturday or Sunday morning. These donations will be given to the Settle Pantry/Food Bank. Monetary donations are also welcome. Our “Stepping Stones” toddler group will be celebrating their “Harvest” with crafts, songs and story this morning, Thursday 28 September. We look forward to welcoming everyone especially families on Sunday.

First Saturday Cafe: serving bacon butties and homemade cakes will open on Saturday 7 October from 10am ‘til 1pm. Do call in for a cuppa and butty if you’re in Settle on the first Saturday of the month.

Tuesday Cafe: Holy Ascension’s ‘Tuesday Café’ has been running for well over a decade. During that time the ‘Tuesday Team’ have helped raise not only valuable funds for Holy Ascension but also supported many charities and responded to numerous emergency appeals. Over the years local folk and visitors alike have enjoyed the hospitality and home baked treats on offer every Tuesday. Some regulars becoming good friends and supporters of the church. After their amazing stint in the kitchen the ‘Tuesday Team’ have decided to hang up their aprons and take a rest on Tuesdays. Revd Julie Clarkson and Holy Ascension’s PCC are very grateful to the team for all their hard work and will be joining them on

Tuesday 10 October for a special “Thank you “ at this, their last session of “Tuesday Café”.

Scottish Dancing Class: The class welcomes new people and visitors and all interested on Thursday evenings (including Thursday 28 September) at 7.30pm at St Johns Methodist Church Hall BD24 9JH. Details from 01729 830299.

Craven Conservation Group: Jack Spees of the Ribble Rivers Trust will be the speaker at The Ribble: improving & protecting it’s ecosystem’ October 12, 7.30pm, St John’s Church , Off Church Street.

200 Club: the September draw for the Settle Area Swimming Pool 200 club was made by new pool trustee Helen Brocklehurst. The winners were: £50 Olwyn Bolger 51; £30 Helen Thwaite 87; and £20 Tess McMahon 124.


Royal British Legion: The National Launch of the Poppy Appeal this year will be Thursday October 26.For the appeal, several collection tins will be distributed in Skipton and the surrounding villages. These will be delivered in October. If you do not receive a collection tin, there are still a few left. If you would like to take one, please contact Philip Chadwick on the following address

In addition to this there will be stalls running in Skipton at Craven Court, Tescos and Morrisons. There will also be a stall at the Co Op in Cross Hills.

Remembrance Sunday is the November 12. Wreaths are no longer supplied locally. If you require a wreath, they can be obtained from the RBL by calling 0345 845 1945. The wreaths available to purchase can be viewed by using the following link Please allow plenty of time for delivery. Due to high demand at this time of the year the RBL are unable to guarantee a delivery date for orders received after the 24th October.

Church news: Holy Trinity Church: Sunday, October 1: 9.45am Family Communion with Children’s Club; 7pm Poems of Faith, Love and Grief with Professor Chris Southgate; Wednesday October 4: 10.45am Holy Communion (BCP); 12noon Midday Prayer; Sunday October 8: 9.45am Family Harvest Festival Thanksgiving Morning and Evening prayer daily at 8.30am and 5pm. Being With course, Wednesdays, 7.30pm at Holy Trinity. Explore the meaning of life together. Discover the Christian faith in a positive and inclusive group. No special or religious language needed. Just what you have learned in life so far. Interested? Speak to Revd Doug further information or visit our webpage

Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist; Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist

Retired Men’s Forum: The new season of the Skipton Retired Men’s Forum will commence on Tuesday, 3rd October at the Soroptimist Room on Otley Street. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available from 10:00 followed, at 10:30, by the guest speaker Neil Hanson, who will give a talk on “Inn and Out at the Top”. All members, new members, guests or the genuinely inquisitive will be welcomed.


Church news: St Oswald’s Church would like to thank all who supported the jumble sale at Ingleton Community Centre in September which raised £833.86 for the church general fund. St Oswald’s Church has visiting vicars and speakers to take services commencing at 9.30am every Sunday during its interregnum.