PENDLE Borough Council is looking at the places you can go to vote in elections to ensure the venues meet the needs of all the eligible residents in the district.

It is inviting residents and any interested parties to give their views on whether current venues are accessible and to pur forward any suitable and alternative locations.

The borough council said Pendle’s polling stations are in buildings which range from schools and church halls to community centres.

Rose Rouse, Pendle Borough Council’s Chief Executive and Returning Officer, said: “The review into where people can vote in elections looks at how convenient they are to get to and how easy they are to access for everyone, including people with disabilities.

“We want to make it as convenient as possible for residents to cast their votes so we’re asking people to suggest alternative polling stations if they are not accessible.”

All comments and suggestions which people want to put forward for consideration need to be submitted to the council by Monday, October 23.

You can submit your sggestions by either emailing: or by writing to her at: Andrea Mullin, Election Office, Pendle Borough Council, Town Hall, Market Street, Nelson, BB9 7LG