A WOMAN who bit two police constables after they arrested her for being drunk and disorderly in Skipton was already on a conditional discharge for an offence earlier in the year, Skipton magistrates were told.

Lottie Stephens, 26, was refusing to leave a shop in Sackville Street at around 10.20pm on September 8. The police were called and when they arrived they found her in a nearby takeaway.

Prosecutor Alison Whiteley said: "A friend tried to encourage Stephens, of Station Road, Steeton, to go home but she broke away and crossed over the road, almost being hit by a car. Police arrested her for being drunk and disorderly and took her to the station in Harrogate."

Ms Whiteley said while there she continued to be agitated and when two police officers tried to restrain her she bit PC Jordan on her arm and PC Lamore on the back of his hand.

"Neither bite broke the skin so the officers did not attend hospital, though the bites caused bruising," Ms Whiteley added.

Stephens admitted both assault charges and one of being drunk and disorderly.

The court was told during a hearing on August 29 that the defendant had been given a 12 month conditional discharge after she damaged a courtesy car being used by a community nurse who had parked outside a patient's address in Settle on June 21 this year.

The bench was told Stephens had bent a rear wiper, bent the front number plate and taken three tyre valve caps off.

In mitigation, Keith Blackwell said the defendant, a mother to a small child who did not live with her, had fallen in with people who were drinking alcohol all day and as a consequence had fallen in with their habit.

"On September 8 she had been drinking cider and was out of control. She was in a poor state and apologised for her actions when she was released. She deeply regrets what has happened.

"Her situation has now changed. She has a flat away from Skipton and has cut down on her drinking. She is in fact trying to avoid it altogether and is trying to find work. She used to work as a cleaner and is trying to get back into it though would like to work as a waitress.

"She has had medication in the past for anxiety but there has been some improvement and she is trying to put things right."

Magistrates asked for pre-sentence reports to be produced and adjourned sentencing until November 3 at Skipton.