
Church news: Services. Sunday 15th October Austwick Holy Communion 11.00am Clapham Easy Church 2.00pm Eldroth All Souls Family Celebration

Austwick WI: The next meeting on Thursday October 12th in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm will be the AGM.

Film Nights: Commence Friday 13th October “The Unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry” (12). Tickets in advance from Cross Leigh Store £4.50 or on the door £5 - cabaret-style seating, refreshments and bar - 7.30pm start.

Austwick Parish Council: Meeting on Monday 16th October 2023 at7.30 pm at Austwick Parish Hall. The notice and agenda for this meeting is posted on the Parish notice boards and on the Parish Council website:

Quiz Night: Austwick Parish Hall Friday 27th October 7.30pm prompt. In aid of Childrens’s Playground. Tickets £4.50 from Cross Leigh store in advance or £5.00 on the door. Maximum team of 4. Bring your own bottle but refreshments on sale during the interval. Quiz devised by Judy & Chris Leeming.

Austwick Field & Local History Society: The Society’s AGM for 2022/23 will be followed by a talk entitled: “The Restoration of Peat Programme” by Beth Thomas from the Yorkshire Peat Partnership This month’s meeting will take place on Wednesday 18th October 2023 in Austwick Parish Hall (large room) commencing at 7.30 pm with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2022/2023. The talk will commence immediately following the AGM from about 8pm. Refreshments will be available following the talk.

Christmas Market: Saturday 4th November from 2pm in Austwick Parish Hall. Looking forward to getting folk in the Christmas spirit. Anyone interested in having a stall, please contact Cross Leigh Store.

Piccalillis Pickleball Club: Open play on Tuesday & Saturday mornings at local venues. Equipment provided & fun assured! Please contact us for session times. New members welcome. Carole Scurr – More information on the village website.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday, the Old and New Testament readings stand in stark contrast to each other. In the Old Testament, we learn about God contemplating the destruction of a city whilst, in the New Testament, we learn that Jesus heals those whom repent of their sins. The readings reminded me of the Synod which began last week in Rome where Pope Francis is discussing, in particular, how the Church should handle matters around the LGBTQ community. Historically, the Church has been extremely unkind to gay, lesbian and transgender men and women. The readings however remind us that the God of anger is superseded by the God of love. Let us resolve this week to model ourselves on the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bradleys Both

WI: Monday October 16, Happy Halloween from BBWI. Join us for a creative evening crafting a carved pumpkin lantern. Use our designs or share your own. Bradleys Both WI meet every third Monday of the month in the Village Hall. Doors open from 7 pm. Meetings start at 7.30 pm. New members always welcome. Guests £4. Seasonal refreshments and pumpkins included

Church news: Bradley Methodist Church. On Saturday 14th October in aid of our Access for All Fund we are holding an auction of promises in the Methodist church hall. This will include a supper of soup and roll, fruit crumble and custard at a cost of £6. Supper is at 6.30pm with auction beginning at 7.30pm. Come for the meal and auction or just the auction.


Church news: St. Mary’s Church. Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship; 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion;1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer. 11.15am Family Praise.

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold. On Sunday 15th October we will be celebrating Harvest with a special service at 5pm followed by a shared supper and auction of produce in the Richard Tottie Memorial Hall. All are welcome to come and join us. Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Revd Andrew Steer on


History Society: Earby and District history society monthly meeting, Tuesday 17th October 7.30pm to 9.30pm in the New Road Community Centre. ‘ Spell bound on the Borderline’ a film show around the Lancs / Yorks border by Gordon and Anne Sharp . All welcome admission £1 non members £ 1.50. For more information about the society check out our website ,,, or visit the society’s archive room in the community centre 10am ‘til 12pm every Friday.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Local History Group: The group will meet next Thursday (19th) at 7pm in the upstairs room of Farnhill Institute. There will be a talk on “The stories behind three old photographs”. The meeting is open to all and admission is free (although cash donations to help with costs would be appreciated).

Pilates: Classes for both beginners and Improvers will take place at Farnhill Institute on Monday (16th) – with classes at 5pm, 6.15pm and 7:30pm. Numbers are limited, so please contact or ring 07549 199670 for details and enrolment.

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (15th) starting at 9.00am, and Holy Communion service starting at 11am. St Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm.


Church news: St Andrew’s.Alpha! is running for the next 10 weeks on Tuesdays from 7pm . A chance to explore the Christian faith. Evenings always begin with a shared meal. Contact Rev Andrew Steer for more info. 01756 749275

Harvest Jacob’s Join: 15th October with auction of produce immediately following the service.

Beer Festival: Friday October 27 12pm to10pm and Saturday October 28 11am to 7pm. There will be 12 casks of beer from the local area and beyond. A great opportunity to sample some beers you may not have tasted before. There will be snacks available and as always a warm welcome from the team at St Andrews.

Classical music: 4th November 2-4pm The Glory of Song and Piano. Classical music from Handel through to Walters. Elaine Dave (Soprano) and Ellie Everhart (piano). £10 with complimentary glass of Prosecco 16 and under £5.

Picnic supper dance: This will be held in The Village Hall on Friday evening with live music provided by the local band Silhouette. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door. A raffle will aid Hall funds.

Craft Fair: Collectable and Craft Fair on Sunday in the Village Hall. The event will commence at 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m with light refreshments available until 3.p.m. There will be lots of stalls selling Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Books, Jigsaws and Crafts. There will also be stalls raising funds for the Cats Protection League and Manorlands. One table will be assigned to some items left over from the recent Jumble sale so come along and have a rummage and help boost funds for the Village Hall. The Management Committee are delighted to announce they raised £2,700 at the Jumble sale and thank everyone who attended but most importantly all their fantastic helpers who gave up their time to help both on the sale day and before.

District Railway Society: Members of Skipton and district railway society now meet at the Village Hall on the first and third Mondays of each month. Their interests are many and varied and they are always pleased to welcome new members. The next meeting is on the 16th October. Please contact Alex for further details 01756 749631.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. As part of Churches Together in Settle and District we are invited to join in an evening entitled ‘Let’s talk about money’ on Friday 13th at St Mary and St. Michael’s, Tillman Close. Come for soup and pudding at 6pm followed by a workshop about money, at 7pm. It’s not easy to talk about money but we can’t afford not to. What we do with money, how wealth is shared and how money is used determines the kind of world we live in. For more information contact Thank you to everyone who contributed to our harvest service last Sunday with their time, decorative talents, money and provisions for the Settle Food Pantry. On Sunday 15th our 9.30am Service is Holy Communion, led by Rev Julie Clarkson. Stay and chat afterwards, if you are able, over a cup of coffee.


Community Arts Centre: Events - Macmillan Coffee Morning, Saturday 14 October 10am-12 noon in the Studio. All welcome. Falling Stars Theatre - Meet Parveen, Saturday 21 October 7:30pm, tickets £12/£10.


Manorlands Coffee Morning: The Wharfedale Support Group for Manorlands Hospice raised a superb £1,150 at its recent coffee morning. Our special thanks go to our star baker, heather, and everyone who came along, gave raffle prizes, brought cakes and gave donations. Your generosity is appreciated so much by all at the hospice.


Kenneth Leak:

200 Club: The Institute 200 Club draw winners for October are: No 193 Joy Orwell 3rd; No 19 Helen and Mike Garner 2nd; No 26 Ann Adams 1st.

Wesley Centre: There will be no Community Pantry on Friday 13th October and the 3rd November. There will be a Drop-In Lunch today from 12 noon, but no lunch on the 19th October. A series on Christian Discipleship will begin at the Chapel on Monday 16th October at 7.30pm. This will be led by Rev Tim Broughton. The Sunday service is at 2 pm. The Welcome Mat group meets on Monday 16th at 2.30pm. The Kettlebells group meets on Wednesdays from 6 till 8.30pm.

Helisingers: The group meets on Friday from 0930-1130 in the Institute. For details about the choir please contact Sue Alderson on 01729 554149.

North Craven Flower Club: The Flower Club meets in the Institute tonight from 7.30pm. Guest demonstrator will be Susan Fairhurst with a demonstration entitled ‘Creativity’. Visitors are always welcome and the arrangements will be raffled at the end of the meeting. Tickets are also on sale for the Open Meeting that is to be held at Gargrave Village Hall on Thursday 9th November. The guest demonstrator will be National Demonstrator Nick Grounds and he will be doing a demonstration entitled ‘The Apple Tree’. Tickets are priced at £15 and all the arrangements will form the raffle at the end of the meeting. Please ring 07710 852238 for more information and tickets.

Book Group: The group meets tonight at 7.30pm in the Institute.

Mobility Group Event: Millercare Mobility Group will be holding a demonstration and offering advice at the Institute tomorrow from 1-4 pm. All welcome to attend.

Coffee Morning: The Coffee Morning this Saturday at the Institute will be a W.I. event. All welcome from 10.00am.

Village Walk: This takes place on Sunday morning. Please meet in the main car park from 10 am. All welcome. Please bring along suitable clothing and a drink. Children welcome accompanied and all dogs must be on leads.

House Bingo: Hellifield House Bingo will be held this Sunday from 6.30pm. All welcome. Slimming World will be held on Mondays from 7 till 9 pm.

Games and Heliscribes: Wednesdays afternoon from 2 till 4 pm in the Institute is open for any who wish to come along and play card and board games. At the same time, the Heliscribes group meets, also from 2 till 4 pm.

Messy Monkeys: The children’s activity group meets on Wednesday the 18th October from 1030 in the Institute. The group which meets in term time will then be on a break for two weeks and will meet again on the 8th November for 6 weeks. For details contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126.


Church news: Thanks are extended to the ladies who decorated St. Oswalds church for the recent harvest festival, the wonderful pedestal arrangements created a colourful and fragrant atmosphere and displays of garden flowers were also dotted around as Storm Agnes didn’t quite reach them. Austwick Cluster Choir sang beautifully and helped the congregation with the five harvest hymns. Many thanks to others who baked and brought fruit and vegetables for the great tea and auction. It was the first auction since the pandemic and everyone had forgotten how much fun auctions can be – thank you to Ted for auctioneering and to Rosie and Edith for speedily delivering everything around the church. £328 was raised on the day and £116 from refreshments and preserves the day before at the last pop up of refreshments before Winter = a memorable total of £444.00 over the weekend.

A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held on Sunday in St Peter’s church at Stainforth at 10.30.a.m.

Autumn Fair: Items for the tombola and raffle prizes for St Oswald’s last fundraising event of 2023 would be appreciated – the Autumn Fair is on Saturday 28th October at 2pm with refreshments and a grand raffle.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. Members of the church took over 30 bags of food donations from our Harvest festival to Skipton Food Bank last week, which was much appreciated. On Sunday 15th October we have a service of Holy Communion at 10am. The next service of Choral Evensong will be on Sunday 22nd October at 4pm, sung by the choir of St Alkelda’s Giggleswick, directed by Ellie Everhart. St Michael’s is open every day of the year from 9am to dusk. Facilities for visitors to make themselves a hot drink and information about the interesting history of our 15th Century church are available. We welcome enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Revd Sue on

Malhamdale Local History Group: Thursday 19th October in Kirkby Malham Parish Hall at 7.30pm, Dr David Johnson will talk to us on the subject of “Lime Kilns: their history and heritage.” David’s book on this topic was published in paperback in 2018 and he is a very popular speaker. Non-members are welcome to come (£3 entry). Please email Linda on with any enquiries.

Long Preston

Bacon Butty Morning: The churchyard mowers are holding a bacon butty morning on Saturday 14th October in the village hall from 10am 'til 12pm. There will also be a tombola, raffle and a cake stall.

Duck Race: Sunday 15th October in the beck just after Thompson's Farm (Hewitt House) starting at 11am. Ducks are available to buy at Long Preston Post Office and are £2 each. Breakfast butties and refreshments will be available to buy at the Playing Fields Pavillion from 10am. Cash only payments please.

Mash Party: As Halloween approaches, there will be a "Mash" Fancy Dress Halloween Party on Sunday 29th October in the Village Hall 3.30pm - 5.30pm. This is a ticket only event and are available to buy at the post office. £3.50 per child and includes a drink and a spooky cupcake.

Blister packs and Stamps: We are continuing to collect empty blister packets at the Methodist Church. The donations are now being made to the Rotary Club at Settle. Their funds are used for local organisations so please keep supporting them. Packs can be dropped off at the church on Friday or Sunday mornings or anytime at 3 Ribblesdale Estate, Long Preston. Used postage stamps are still being donated to the local hedgehog charity. They can also be dropped off as above.

Church News: The service on Sunday 15th October at St Mary's church will be Morning Prayer with Janet Wood at 11am. The service in the Methodist Church also at 11am will be with Mr David Allison. Everyone is welcome to either service.

Welcome space: This continues in the Methodist Church on Mondays from 1pm. Enjoy a 2-course meal for only £3. Contact Annette on 01729 840096 to book your meal.

Little Footsteps: The playgroup continues to meet each Monday during term time at the Methodist Chapel 10am-11.30am. Everyone is welcome to this free activity.

Strong and Steady: (Gentle exercises) continues at 1.30-2.30 in the Methodist Chapel. This is followed by coffee and chocolate biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome. Free transport available.

Craft Club: Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends. Tea and coffee is provided.

Pilates: Continues in the Village Hall on a Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5.


ACE Settle: Action on Climate Emergency Settle and area at St Mary and St Michael’s Catholic Church, Tillman Close. Information session to ask us about the new Settle Energy Local Club: buy and sell (if you have solar panels) some of your electricity at a fair price, assess your roof for solar panels with our solar survey and where to reduce heat loss with our thermal imaging camera. Free. For more information on: Facebook and Twitter @ACESettle or email:

Church news: Settle Parish Church. Many thanks to everyone who came along to our first Saturday of the month Bacon Butties morning. Next month's date for more delicious butties and cakes is Saturday 4 November, 10am 'til 1pm.

There are 2 services at Holy Ascension on Sunday 15 October. Morning Worship at 11am and our monthly Café Church takes place at 3pm. Everyone is warmly invited. Come along, enjoy fellowship and refreshments.

Tuesday, 10 October, was a sad occasion for the many regular customers at Holy Ascension's 'Tuesday Café'. For almost 2 decades the 'Tuesday Team' of cooks and home bakers have been serving delicious refreshments, in church, to locals and visitors following the weekly Communion service at 9.30am. Their efforts have supported the Church Funds, charities and numerous Emergency Appeals. The 'Tuesday Team' have now hung up their aprons and will take a well earned rest on Tuesdays. Revd Julie Clarkson and Holy Ascension's PCC are very grateful to the team for all their hard work and joined them on Tuesday 10 October for a special "Thank you " at this, last session of the 'Tuesday Café'. The weekly service of Holy Communion on Tuesdays at 9.30am continues. In the meantime there's a musical treat on Tuesday 24 October when our church organist will give a Lunchtime Recital from 12 noon. Do call in, admission is free but donations will be gratefully received. Graham will be playing some "organ favourites". Refreshments on sale too or bring your own "'pack up".

Churches Together Settle and District: The group is hosting a meal and discussion, "Let's Talk about Money", at St Mary & St Michael Catholic Church tomorrow evening, Friday 13 October. Come for soup and pudding at 6pm followed by a workshop about money at 7pm.


Skipton and Craven History Society: The first talk of the new season will be held on Thursday, October 12 at the Swadford Street Centre, at 7.30pm. David Turner will give an illustrated talk on the ‘Barden Reservoirs and the people who built them.’

Skipton Gardeners Club: Members and visitors welcomed Matthew Smith of ‘Brighter Blooms’ at Preston to the September meeting. We learned of ‘Tulips Past ‘til Present’. Seeds cultivated in Turkey from 1520 were taken to Holland around 1610 and are still available. Matthew’s prizewinning displays, shown on film and generous advice on planting tulip bulbs was much appreciated.We are looking forward to his ‘Tulip Open Weekend in April 2024’. Next meeting, Wednesday October 18th 2023 at 7.30pm in The Soroptimist Rooms. Paul Turner, from Northumberland, will present, ‘Know your Onions’. He is an expert on herbs, rhubarb, chillies and garlic.

Skipton Retired Men’s Forum: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th October at the Soroptimist rooms on Otley street. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available from 10am and at 10:30am Robert Stewart will give a talk on: “An early interest in crime”. All members and visitors will be welcomed.

Church news: Services. Christ Church. Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday 9.30am - Eucharist. Memorial Service on Oct 26th at 7.30pm in Christ Church. A service of Commemoration for deceased family and friends, with an opportunity to light a candle in their memory.

Parkinson’s Support Group Hub Club: Skipton & District. A support, information and socialising opportunity for people living with Parkinson’s, their family and friends, in an informal environment. Join us on Thursday 19th October 2:00pm-3:30pm at The Hub, Skipton Town Hall. Hot drinks and biscuits included for only £2 per person, and a warm welcome awaits. If you’d like to find out more, please contact Barbara Bentley on 01756 797742, or just come along.

Parkinson’s Physical Activity & Exercise Class: An exercise class specifically for people living with Parkinson’s and wanting to maintain and improve their strength, fitness, mobility and independence. Delivered by Eat, Move, Be Happy on Monday 23th October 6pm to7:30pm in the Dance Studio at Skipton Academy, Gargrave Road, Skipton. Book online at or by calling Anna Sherin on 07813 703585. £5 per session.

Craven Conservation Group: All welcome at the talk tonight (Thursday 12 October) by Jack Spees, CEO of the Ribble Rivers Trust. It will be held at St Johns Methodist Church, Settle: at 7.30pm. Title: "The Ribble: Improving and Protecting its Ecosystem".

Friends of Raikes Road Burial Ground: The group will be hosting its final Open Day for 2023 on Saturday, 14th October from 11am to 2.30pm with one guided walk at 11.30am. The only substantive record for the Ground - the Burial Register - is available and help will be given to those researching their ancestors.The new revised book about the Burial Ground and its people entitled "Not Lost But Gone Before" will be on sale priced at £11 (cash only please) with all profits going to the Friends.