UKRAINIAN refugee Olga Stadnyk who arrived in Britain with her mother and son in June last year is exhibiting her artwork in Skipton after a change of career.

Olga’s husband is conscripted and serves on the front line. Olga originally practised as a criminal lawyer in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, but has had to change career as the law is substantially different here. Inspired by her fathers footsteps, who was a tutor in the design department at the Arts and Design academy in Kharkiv, Olga is training to become a portrait artist. Her childhood was full of art and creativity and she spent many hours in front of paper and materials drawing and painting so it seemed a natural fit.

One of her portraits can be seen at the Mill Bridge Gallery, Skipton, where Olga is exhibiting with fellow students of Granary Arts.

The exhibition runs Thursday, Friday and Saturdays 11am to 4pm, closing on October 21.