THERE'S plenty going on at Skipton Town Hall to keep children and young people entertained during the approaching school half-term holidays - from a Halloween art workshop to a fascinating talk on how Craven Museum got its rare copy of a Shakespeare First Folio.

There will also be musical theatre for the family - with a special deal for those booking both events.

Both taking place on Monday, October 30, children will be helped into the Halloween spirit with two sessions of an art club when they will be given a free rein to design and make a suitably spooky skull keyring. There will also be a 30 minute talk in the museum on the Shakespeare First Folio; its importance and how it is now one of Craven's 'national treasures'.

The folio, one of a very few on public view, this year celebrates its 400th anniversary.

Also taking place on October 30 will be a Bronze Arts Award taster day, when budding young artists will be given an opportunity to find out about the awards programme, which is aimed at 11-14 year olds and will kick off at the town hall in January next year.

On the Tuesday of the school holidays, the free drop in Big Draw event will be focussed on drawing with the senses with activities themed around touch, smell, sight and sound, taking inspiration from the Craven Museum collection.

Make and Take crafts on the Wednesday will be centred around bonfire night. There will be two drop in sessions in the town hall concert hall for families.

Friday, November 3 will see two performances of The Lightbulb Princess, a 'delightful new show full of sparkle and song, for everyone aged four and up'.

Tutti Frutti Productions has teamed up with One Tenth Human - those behind Curious Investigators - to create a fun-filled, sparkling extravaganza exploring the sensational science behind electricity.

Featuring catchy original songs from Ziad Jabero and electrifying storytelling, The Lightbulb Princess will light up children’s imaginations and inspire them to learn more about the world around them.

And, on Saturday, November 4, Little Seeds Music will perform Jack! - a new musical for families and children. Jack! features traditional stories, original songs and storytelling. With lots of opportunities to join in, plus brilliant live music, families will be singing along before you can say Fee Fie Fo Fum!

To book tickets and to find out more about what is going on at Skipton Town Hall, visit: