PLANS to change the use of an agricultural field in Carleton for the siting of eight timber-clad holiday lodges have been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.

Currently used for grazing, the site is part of Lower Biggin Farm. An identical application was refused permission in March, 2020 and an amended plan was also turned down in the following November. An appeal was lodged against the refusal decision, but later withdrawn by the applicant, K Downs. 

In submissions to the council, it is stated that the lodges, with access off Carla Beck Lane, would 'provide a significant increase in the quantity of tourist accommodation available in Carleton and would provide a variety of tourist accommodation, tapping into the tourism potential of the village' while 'further economic benefits will be derived from the proposed tourism development through providing an increase in footfall to local businesses'.

It adds that existing businesses, such as the shop, pharmacy, social club, and reopened pub, would benefit from the 'increased spending of visitors'.

"The proposed tourism development will provide an additional boost to the economy through employment of locals in the development of the site itself, and longer term in the maintenance and cleaning of the holiday lodges, and management of the landscaping and grounds."