VILLAGERS have reacted angrily to retrospective plans to site three 'glamping pods' at Tarn House Holiday Park in Stirton, near Skipton.

Partington Homes, which owns the site, says the three pods support use of the site by 'providing and supporting the range of holiday accommodation in the area'.

In an application to North Yorkshire Council, its agent, Jake Salisbury, of Graham Anthony Associates, says the proposal is considered acceptable in principle given that the site is an 'established holiday accommodation site and the proposal would not give rise to any adverse impacts with regards to visual, amenity, privacy or highways.'

He adds: "The proposal would provide economic benefits by supporting the district's visitor economy. There would also be social benefits through improvements to individuals and families physical and mental health, as well as broader cultural and communal advantages for wider district."

But Stirton with Thorlby Parish Council says several villagers have responded to the plans with 'considerable strength of feeling'.

Residents resent retrospective applications, believe it is an overdevelopment and is highly visible from a public footpath. There are also concerns about there being no additional parking, no cooking facilities.

The parish council adds: "There should be consequences to deter an applicant from future planning breaches, particularly a commercial applicant, who knows but does not appear to respect the planning system."