SETTLE'S 1st Castleberg Scout group is delighted to have received a National Lottery award of almost £10,000 from the lottery's community fund.

The award has helped the group to reach its fundraising target to build an extension onto its headquarters where it will house an internal stairway and lift to the hall level.

The scouts leaders say that by creating the extension they are making the Drill Hall, in Castlebergh Lane, accessible for all in the community to make use of.

The are of land to the side of the hall is now cleared and ready for the build.

The 1st Castleberg Scout group was established in 1910 and includes a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack, Scout Troop and Explorers.

The South Ingleborough Explorer Scout unit has a partnership agreement with the group so its members and leaders work closely with the sections.

It has a dedicated Facebook page which can be found at: