LONG service awards have been presented to the Friends of Airedale who together have clocked up an amazing 325 years.

Foluke Ajayi, chief executive of the Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of the volunteer group at the charity’s annual general meeting.

A total of 29 volunteers were awarded certificates marking their five, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years with the friends group which supports Airedale General Hospital by carrying out a number of roles in the hospital and in the community, and also with fundraising.

Foluke said: “These certificates recognise the amazing commitment to the hospital of our volunteers whose hard work and service makes an enormous difference to the patient and visitor experience at Airedale. We know that regular users in particular, really appreciate what they do.”

The meeting confirmed Alison Dixon as the new chair of the Friends of Airedale board of Trustees. Alison has been a volunteer at the hospital for the past 22 years. Lee Orviss was also appointed as a trustee and the new treasurer; and Joan Godfrey as a trustee.

Alison, who has been acting chair for the past five months, takes over from John Lofthouse who stood down in the spring.

In the past, the group has donated between £150,000 to £200,000 worth of equipment and services to the Airedale NHS Foundation Trust each year.