A ROCK and Roll night at Skipton's Niffany Farm raised more than £1,600 for the charity Dementia Forward.

Skipton Rocks Against Dementia, featuring the band Paisley Rehab, was inspired by Stuart Cracknell, who was diagnosed with young onset dementia aged 52.

For Stuart, who said dementia had been a 'hell of a thing to have at such a young age', music has always played a huge part in his life.

He said: "(Music) stimulates the brain. I can be listening to a record and can tell you what year it was released. It’s nights like this that raise awareness and I wanted to get involved because of what I’ve gone through and to show that with the support of local people we can provide help for others going through this too”.

A spokesperson for Dementia Forward said: "We would like to thank Jennette and the team from Niffany Farm, Paisley Rehab, which gave its time and talents for free, the Cracknell family for all their hard work and support, and everyone that came along on the night or donated raffle prizes."

The event came a few days before Young Onset Dementia Awareness day on October 24, a national awareness day launched by the charity last year to highlight the need for specific support and awareness for dementia that affects people of working age. This year, the charity has released a song to mark the day. Find out more and download the song at www.youngonsetdementia.org.uk.

For support and advice from Dementia Forward, contact the Helpline on 03300 578592 or email info@dementiaforward.org.uk