UNPAID carers are being invited to share their stories and help improve the lives of others at an event marking Carers Rights Day in Skipton.

People who look after their relatives or friends are being asked: “What are the biggest challenges for you as a carer?” and “What would make your life as a carer easier?” with responses used to inform work being carried out by local authorities.

The charity Carers’ Resource is holding an event at its offices in Brook Street on national Carers Rights Day, Thursday November 23, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, as well as its other offices in Bradford and Harrogate.

North Yorkshire Council and Bradford Council are currently developing new strategies for unpaid carers, and Carers’ Resource wants to ensure that the voices of people looking after relatives and friends are heard.

Chris Whiley, CEO of Carers’ Resource, said: “Carers’ voices are crucial and we want to make sure they are heard by local councils and health authorities as they plan for the future.

“If you are an unpaid carer, looking after a relative or friend who could not cope without you, please do come along to our events and tell us your story.

“We want to know: what do you struggle with most as an unpaid carer, and what would help you to cope better? What do you want to say to the people who fund and develop your health and social care services?”

Representatives of the local councils are being invited to the events, and refreshments will be served. There is no need to book a place but carers are asked to email engage@carersresource.org to register attendance if possible.

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, frailty, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. They can be of any age, including young carers, under 18 years old; and can also be a parent carer, caring for a child; a husband or wife, a friend or neighbour; or someone who looks after an elderly parent who needs support.

Any carers who cannot attend, but would like to contribute to the conversation, can visit www.carersresource.org/carers-rights-day and share their stories using the website form, or email engage@carersresource.org

Carers’ Resource will also be holding stands in local supermarkets for Carers Rights Day, and a group of young carers is making a podcast to be launched on the day.

To find out more about Carers’ Resource, go to www.carersresource.org, email info@carersresource.org or call 0808 50 15 939.