A PLANNING application to remove three chimney pots from a former Methodist chapel building because they are letting in water has been refused.

The chair of the Trustees of the Craven School Foundation, Burnsall, applied to the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority for permission for the work.

The building closed as a chapel in 2002 and since 2007 has been used as a nursery school.

A report from the applicant says there have been instances of water ingress into the babies room, which a builder has identified as having been caused by failed cement haunching around the pot bases. The trustees wish to re-site the pots in the play area as a play feature.

Refusing the plans, the national park said: "In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the removal of the chimney pots from the building will result in a harmful impact on the character and historic significance of the listed building and the contribution the building makes to the wider Burnsall Conservation Area.

"Whilst the works would bring about the repair of the listed building, it is considered there are likely to be alternative more sensitive repair solutions which would result in less harm."