THE go-ahead has been given to convert an isolated, detached barn into a three-bedroomed house for local occupancy or short term holiday lets despite a recommendation for refusal from Highways.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority's planners agreed to the conversion of Swash Barn, at Newhouses, near Horton in Ribblesdale, together with the installation of a package treatment plant.

The barn would have a stone curtilage and parking for two vehicles.

Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council suggested approval of the plans, while Highways concluded the visibility splay at the access to the site was inadequate. It recommended refusal as did the Friends of the Dales citing the isolated location of the barn, the impact on visual amenity and highway conditions.

The officer's report stated: "Swash Barn is a traditional building located in a roadside location and is therefore suitable for conversion in accordance with policy L2. The proposed change of use would not have a harmful impact on visual amenity and there would be no adverse impact on residential amenity, highway conditions or protected species."

Approval was granted with conditions on October 23. The local occupancy/holiday let element of the proposal is restricted through a S106 legal agreement dated October 17, 2023.