AN application to divert a public footpath at Cold Cotes, Clapham, has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.

The proposed diversion concerns footpath 05.26/47 at Myresfield, Lowkber Lane and has been applied for by Mark Hill.

Other applications lodged for the Craven area include: Two storey extension to north elevation and lean-to extension to west elevation at Lower Summerhouse Cottage, Lumb Lane, Cowling, and listed building application; Remodelling of single storey part of existing house and enlarge kitchen window opening at Heath Top House, Skipton Road, Low Bradley; new detached garage and proposed single storey extension at 13 Marton Road, Gargrave; Change of use of two first floor office units to form a one bedroom apartment at Craven House, Craven Terrace , Main Road ,Hellifield for CCM Auctions.