A 'JIGSAW Jamboree' at Skipton Market organised by Craven Samaritans has been declared a great success.

Volunteers ran a stall at the Friday market where in exchange for a small donation, people could take away a jigsaw.

A spokesperson for the charity said: "We were blown away by the generosity and words of support from those that stopped by.

"The weather was as kind as the shoppers and we handed out over 100 jigsaws as well as raising awareness for our upcoming information night on November 21 in Skipton.

"The information night is an informal event for anyone who wants to come along and learn a little more about the work of the Samaritans. It's also an opportunity to talk to talk to us and find out more about potentially joining our ranks as a volunteer."

Samaritans come from all walks of life and can make a real difference to those most in need.

Listening volunteers are there to support anyone who needs to talk, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Anyone can contact Samaritans, free, on 116 123, Email jo@samaritans.org or visit www.samaritans.org.

The information event at The Brown Bag Cafe, Otley Street on November 21 starts at 7pm.