A WOMAN  asleep in her bed woke to find her ex-partner in the room, a court was told.

District Judge Alexandra Preston sitting at Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Luke Brooksbank demanded to know about “another “guy”, despite himself and the woman having been separated for over 12 months.

Brooksbank, 29, of Green End Avenue, Earby, pleaded guilty to stalking.

Scott Parker, prosecuting, said despite the separation Brooksbank kept harassing his ex and turning up at her Barnoldswick home at night.

Mr Parker said that at 12.10am on the night of July 14 she was asleep when the light came on and Brooksbank was in her room. The court heard he had a key to the back door.

She told him to leave and followed him downstairs. When she called the police he left.

Mitigating, Peter King said: “He is determined to change and he is going to leave her alone and move on with his life."

Brooksbank was made subject to a community order for two years with a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement, the Building Better Relationships Programme, six months drug rehabilitation requirement, 100 hours unpaid work, pay £85 costs and £114 victim surcharge. He was made subject to a restraining order for two years.