CLIMBING Britain’s Three Peaks is a challenge for most people but for Skipton woman Sally Canny it was an achievement she had once thought beyond her reach.

Six years ago Sally, from Hurrs Road, who had once been a runner and a rugby player, was suffering from a range of symptoms that made even everyday life difficult.

Her arm shook and she had a limp due to a weak leg which affected her mobility but doctors and medical consultants were unable to identify the cause.

Sally, who works as a child minder, had originally suspected she might be suffering from Parkinson’s Disease like her late dad, John Heseltine, from Malham, but she was assured she was mistaken.

They suggested that anxiety was to blame but despite undergoing therapy and physiotherapy the symptoms persisted and concerns about her health began to have an impact on her confidence and her social life.

After two years Sally, 58, went back to the doctor and finally discovered that her suspicion’s had been correct all along. Sally was suffering from Parkinson’s – a serious neurological condition that affects movement.

The diagnosis came as both a shock and a relief and she was finally prescribed medication to help treat the symptoms.

The results have been positive – seeing a significant reduction in the physical effects of the disease including improved mobility and confidence. Sally was feeling pretty much like her old self.

She said: “The medication has been amazing. I have hardly any symptoms now.”

She decided to make the most of her rediscovered physical health and during an activity trip to Scotland earlier this year she went walking and swimming in the sea. Then she and her husband, John, decided to walk up Ben Nevis.

Standing on the summit of Scotland’s highest mountain they decided they should complete all three of the national Three Peaks to raise awareness and money for Parkinson’s UK.

Sally added: “I’d already done the Yorkshire Three Peaks but not the national ones. I’d been advised to keep exercising and I thought it would be a great challenge,” she said.

In the past few months John and Sally, who have three adult children Grace, Oscar and Dylan, tackled Scafell Pike in the Lake District and most recently, Snowdon in Wales.

They launched a JustGiving appeal with a target of £300 and are thrilled it has reached over £2,000 so far.

To donate to Sally’s appeal go to