SKIPTON town councillors have committed to running surgeries for residents in their own wards.

A meeting of the full council heard surgeries had been held in the Skipton West ward, had been appreciated by residents, and could be replicated in the council's three other wards.

Cllr Brian McDaid, one of the four councillors who represent the town's West Ward, which includes Broughton Road, Burnside and Sandylands Sports Centre, said although the first surgery had not been greatly attended, it had been appreciated by residents, and it was believed attendance would increase.

The meeting heard that regular surgeries was part of the council's forward planning, with Cllr McDaid saying they should be held every three to four months.

Asked by Cllr Claire Nash about the cost of hiring premises for the surgeries, Cllr McDaid responded that the West Ward members had been allowed use of the former Ings School premises, now the based of the Selfa charity, and were also able to use the Broughton Road community centre; and suggested similar arrangements could take place in other parts of the town.

Deputy mayor, Cllr Peter Madeley, also a West Skipton ward member, said there were a lot of people in the Broughton Road area who felt lonely and cut off and would benefit from regular council surgeries.