PEOPLE from across Craven are invited to join Martin House Children’s Hospice for its Light up a Life service at Holy Trinity Church, Skipton, on Wednesday, December 6.

Light up a Life is part of the bereavement support offered to families by the Boston Spa hospice and gives them the opportunity to come together to remember their children at Christmas - it is also open to anyone who would like to remember a loved one.

Emma Taylor, head of family support and transition at Martin House, said: “At such a busy time of year, Light up a Life gives people the space and time to remember their child. Our service provides a shared moment of remembrance, where we can reflect on and celebrate their lives, as well as offering that opportunity to the wider community.”

The event will include music, readings, carols, and the lighting of candles and will be followed by refreshments. There is no need to book, and it is free to attend.

Martin House cares for children and young people from across West, North and East Yorkshire, providing respite stays, symptom control, emergency care, end of life care and care after death.

It also supports families throughout the life of their child, and in bereavement, and provides care at the hospice, in hospitals and in people’s own homes.

As well as the service, which will start at 7pm on December 6, there is also an online book of dedication, where people can leave a message and upload a picture of their loved one. It is available at