THE principle of building up to four new homes on a site off Eshton Road, Gargrave, has been established following a successful appeal.

Outline planning permission for the site behind 48 Eshton Road was turned down by North Yorkshire Council in April this year on grounds of its its 'unacceptable impact on highway safety' and an 'inefficient use of land'.

That decision has now been overturned by the Planning Inspectorate and permission granted.

In their decision notice, the planning inspector concluded there would be no unacceptable impact on highway safety and would comply with the Gargrave Neighbourhood Plan.

Appellant, Hall Varley Homes will have to now submit a full, reserved matters application to the council before development can take place.

Conditions set by the planning inspectorate also include details of separate systems of drainage for foul and surface water, both on and off site, and construction of approved visibility splays at the access onto Eshton Road.

The appeal was the first, it is believed, to be made challenging a decision of North Yorkshire Council in the Craven area after it came into being on April 1, replacing the former Craven District Council.