CHOIR The KVU Singers will be joined by a saxophone quartet for its Christmas concert on Thursday, December 14 in Skipton.

The mixed voice choir, whose 60 singers come from across Yorkshire and Lancashire, will be joined by the Perfect Fourth making a guest appearance at the evening concert at Christ Church.

A choir spokesperson said: "As well as carols old and new we have a special guest appearance of Perfect Fourth who will not only be performing a variety of pieces from classical to modern, but will also provide a lively accompaniment of some of the better known carols.

"As ever, the concert will take place under the baton of our music director Frank Smith, ably supported by accompanist Nick Watts."

The concert on December 14 will take place at 7.30pm. Tickets £10; free for under 16s. Available at:, or from Maggie on 07866 763840.