THERE was a record turn out for 'Carols at The Cove' in Malham at the weekend.

People enjoyed a perfect, crisp day on Saturday for the free event held in the shadow of  Malham Cove.

After the National Trust said it could no longer organise the event, the parish council and members of the Malhamdale community got together to make sure it happened, offering mulled wine and mince pies, facilities for the band, and assistance to the less mobile to enable them to get there.

Refreshments were donated by Goredale Refreshments and the Lister Arms Malham so that all proceeds could be given to Kirkby-in-Malhamdale primary school. Skipton Brass, conducted by Jo Barber, played a lively selection of Christmas carols and festive favourites.

Residents, visitors, and passing walkers all joined in with the singing, and spirits were lifted.

A band spokesperson said 'carols at the cove' was its favourite Christmas event and the band had already committed to return on the first Saturday of December next year.

Rev Sue McWhinney, one of the organisers, who was selling biscuits to raise funds for a much-needed upgrade to the Kirkby Malham church sound system was delighted with the outcome. She said: "Everyone was enjoying the sense of community as they sang carols, met friends old and new, and got into the spirit of the season."

The event has so far raised almost £500 for Kirkby-in-Malhamdale primary school.