PLANS to build four homes on land at Grundy Farm in Carleton have been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.

Applicants Nancy Ellison and builder RN Wooler and Co are proposing development of a field to the rear of Grundy Farm and bounded by properties on Park Lane. Access to the proposed houses will be via a new access point between Grundy Farm and Street Houses with an existing access next to Park Lane closed off, if planning permission for the development is approved.

In 2017, an outline application for 21 homes at the site was withdrawn by the applicants following the concerns of Historic England, the council's conservation officer and highways. In 2018, plans for six homes at the site were refused on grounds including the loss of the boundary wall to the listed Grundy Farm and encroachment into the countryside.

The current plans will if allowed involve the demolition of an existing farm barn.

In a planning statement with the application, it is stated that it is the intention to produce a 'high quality scheme which will contribute towards the supply of housing within the district."