MEET Parveen. Parveen is 45 or 46 - she can’t remember which. Sweaty, fed up, gets regular headaches and wears pyjamas and knickers in bed. Welcome to the menopause, Parveen.

A week in the life of Parveen examines how the menopause affects a women’s world; 3am showers, angry about nothing, confused, confused why confused, toilet trips, forgetting that important word, battling teenagers when all you want to do is hide, high sex drive and just wanting to stay you - and its coming to Skipton Town Hall in April.

Parveen, played by Madiha Ansari, is a relatable character who embodies the everyday struggles experienced by many women navigating the 'menopausal journey'. Parveen grapples with a myriad of symptoms – from night sweats to forgetfulness – as she tries to maintain a sense of self amid the changes.

"We want this play to stimulate thoughts, questions, and responses," said Beccy Durham, playwright and director. "We believe that growth and understanding will be inevitable as audiences, whether they are women starting their menopause journey, partners seeking to comprehend, or menopausal women feeling isolated, connect with Parveen's story."

Meanwhile, coming up tomorrow (Friday, February 16) at the town hall, is The Alex Voysey Blues Band with‘Old Dogs, New Tricks’.

Truly for those who love blues music, rising star, The Alex Voysey Blues Band, brings together four very talented musicians, breath-taking grooves and riffs, and a deep passion for blues.

Their new show, ’Old Dogs, New Tricks’ is a travelogue through the very best of blues history. From the raw story-telling of founding fathers Robert Johnson and BB King through Stevie Ray Vaughan, onto the more lyrical blues of Eric Clapton and John Mayer, right up to contemporary artists Joe Bonamassa, Joanne Shaw Taylor and many more, plus Alex’s original blues material – all with high energy and an insanely virtuosic twist.

On Friday, March 8, get ready for the queens of banjopunk, three Swedish sisters by the name of Baskery. Baskery play a combination of classic ‘roots music and Americana’ with a twist of rule breaking punk turn this much loved style of music on it’s head. Their sound oozes style and playfulness and has helped them accrue a number of plaudits and accolades.

For more details of all the events, booking and tickets, and also other shows for all the family at Skipton Town Hall, visit:, or visit the town hall box office.