Skipton Auction Mart has published its annual magazine, CCM News, a bumper 32 A4 pages containing agricultural-related features and informed comment from sector experts, both in-house and externally, plus an-in depth round-up in both words and pictures of the 2023 show and sale season.

This year’s impending General Election is, of necessity, a major talking point, with key questions put to and answered by the three main political parties, questions that echo what’s being asked by people in the rural agricultural community who are trying to identify a pathway to prosperity for their businesses, given the significant decrease in funding for upland farms..

As CCM general manager Jeremy Eaton comments in his annual column: “The hope is that an Autumn election might at last provide some focus for the benefit of those involved in the rural economy, as politicians compete for support.

“Let’s also hope that during 2024 a political will develops to adopt a sensible food policy which combines the many positives of SFI and Countryside Stewardship with appropriate funding and a willingness to keep the main metric of farming for food at the heart of the countryside.”

Pressure comes from other areas. David Hall, new NFU North of England Regional Director, says that with 2024 set to be another year of change for farmers, and with the rural vote important to all parties, the NFU will be actively lobbying both sitting MPs and prospective candidates.

CCM’s livestock sales manager Ted Ogden flags up a year of challenges ahead, both at home and globally, making a solid case, as do others, on the urgent need for more home-produced food, while agricultural supply and business journalist Cedric Porter looks back on a year when prices held up and more appreciation was seen for the environmental role that cattle and sheep play, giving renewed hope for the farming sector.

John Akrigg, director of mart-based WBW Surveyors, shines the spotlight on best farming practice schemes designed to deliver maximum financial advantage, while the latest news on its farmer support programme is outlined by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.

Phil Lyth, of Yorkshire Farming and Wildlife Partnership, features the Upper Aire Natural Flood Management Project, while livestock vet Andy Barrett, of the mart-based Craven Farm Vets, returns with his annual Animal Health feature, calling on farmers to make better animal health and welfare a priority.

Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant for Craven PS 1006 Paul Evans stresses that the eyes and ears of local communities are invaluable in the continuing fight to reduce rural crime, while Julie Sokald, Craven College’s Marketing & Events Manager, reports on another busy and productive year, as well as ongoing investment, at its Auction Mart campus.

And in an era when productive and profitable farming in the most environmentally sustainable way possible has never been more topical, the centre spread is given over to a CCM-led fact-finding visit by the next generation of young farmers to Vale of York beef and arable farmer Mike Powley, who is among UK pioneers in adopting farm regeneration.

The college, along with Skipton NFU Mutual, are again keynote sponsors of CCM News, with hard copies available from the mart office, while the company magazine can also be downloaded and viewed via the home page link at