This month’s health and lifestyle column from Corinne Yeadon, of the Being Better private therapy practice in Skipton

MAKING positive changes can feel more achievable when there is a whisper of summer and the sun is shining.

Longer and lighter days can be instrumental in lifting mood and contributing to motivation to make changes. Being outdoors is infinitely more appealing in better weather, supporting our physical self care by way of moving about.

Our diet tends to change in the summer months, a desire for fresher healthier fare replacing the stomach hugging winter warmers. Some will be consciously shedding some timber, getting beach body ready on the countdown to holidays.

Being in nature is undeniably good for the soul, gardening or taking notice of surroundings is equally beneficial. Getting out and about means social contact, whether it’s chatting with neighbours or reconnecting with people, the importance of social support to our wellbeing is not to be underestimated and far more likely at this time of year.

For those who are struggling or in crisis, no amount of sunshine will alleviate their pain or solve their problems. On the contrary the joy of others can shine a light on what is being missing out on. Unhelpful self criticism and feelings of inadequacy can kick in.

Don’t get me wrong, some people do make positive changes out of fear, when they are scared of remaining the same or deteriorating. Often in troubled times help and kindness comes from surprising and unexpected quarters.

Reaching out to someone in need can have transformative qualities, even if it’s acknowledging the hardship in question or a kind word of encouragement. Random acts of kindness and support can kickstart self belief and hope.

It never hurts to be that person who lets someone know they are not invisible and they matter.