THE family of a former joiner from Skipton who died from an asbestos related cancer has appealed for anyone who may have worked with him over the years to come forward with information which may help to shed light on when and where he was exposed to the material.

Rodney Arthur Lambert was 76-years-old when he died a year ago from mesothelioma - an incurable cancer which it is believed can be caused by occupational exposure to asbestos, which can take place decades before symptoms arise.

Before his illness, Mr Lambert, who was known as Rod, had played an active role in caring for his family, often helping out with odd jobs and looking after his grandchildren.

However, his health started to deteriorate in the autumn of 2022, and he was referred to Airedale Hospital with suspected pneumonia. A chest X-ray revealed he had a shadow and a build-up of fluid on his lung.

He was referred to St James' Hospital in Leeds to undergo a biopsy in November 2022, following which he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. In April 2023 he was admitted to hospital for ongoing care and treatment, but sadly died the following month.

Following his death his family contacted industrial disease experts at national law firm Thompsons Solicitors for help to determine where and when he came into contact with asbestos.

The family is now appealing for witnesses who may have worked with him throughout his career as a joiner in West and North Yorkshire - working for various companies to carry out tasks such as fitting windows, doors and skirtings - to come forward with any information that may aid the ongoing investigation.

During his lifetime, Mr Lambert told his family that he had regularly come into contact with asbestos dust while at work, often cutting up asbestos soffits which were commonly used at the time in commercial and residential properties.

His daughter, Tracy, said: “He was the heart of our family, always there for the little things, picking up grandchildren and helping out with odd jobs. He was so active and full of life.

“The decline in his health was heart-breaking for all of us. To think that his death was as a result of asbestos exposure, and that it could have been preventable is really tough.”

Marion Voss, industrial disease specialist at Thompsons Solicitors, added: “Mr Lambert’s family are still coming to terms with his death.

“While the dangers of asbestos have been widely known for many decades there are still many families whose lives are tragically impacted as a result of negligent exposure even now.

“We're now looking to speak to anyone who worked alongside him and can shed light on the presence of asbestos, or who is able to provide any additional insight into the working conditions he may have experienced during his career.”

Anyone with any information, can contact Marion Voss by email:, or by phone 0113 205 6300.