A DALES community gardening group is working 'all-out' after being named a finalist in this year's Britain in Bloom competition.

Grassington in Bloom, representing Yorkshire in Bloom, is up against seven others in the village section of the contest, including Washington Village in Bloom Society, Northumbria; and Blooming Milford, of East Midlands in Bloom.

The race is now on for the more than 40 members of the group to make sure the village is looking its sparkling best in time for the summer judging.

Set up in July 2009 with just six members led by Diane Mackridge; the group has won a silver gilt award every year from 2011 until 2022 when it achieved gold. It took gold again last year, leading to its entry into the national competition.

Geraldine Isaac, group secretary, said: "We are looking forward to the challenge of taking part in the national finals and continuing to make our village as colourful and attractive as possible, we shall be working all out to ensure it's gold again this year."

The group holds fundraising events so it can buy plants and bulbs, including coffee mornings and tombolas, in June stages Grassington Open Gardens, and businesses in the area play their part by sponsoring a barrel.

"We are an enthusiastic and dedicated group of people who are proud to keep our village looking attractive by planting colourful spring flowers and summer bedding in the many tubs, planter and verges around the village," said Geraldine.

"The grass verges, where possible, are planted with bulbs to give a promise of spring with daffodils and crocus. Our efforts over the years have encouraged the villagers to take pride in their own gardens and frontages which enhances the village."

Members also sweep and keep tidy footpaths in and around the area, and make sure the village signs abound with colour. Children are also encouraged to help with various projects such as the wild flower meadow and planting vegetables in the school garden, and an annual newsletter is hand-delivered to everyone in the village.

"We are a self-funding group and our fund-raising events are very well supported by members of the community, to whom we are very grateful," said Geraldine.

Members who are less physically able help out with baking cakes and running stalls, meaning all can do their bit for the group.

There are 52 community gardening groups across the country in the Britain in Bloom contest.