A POTENTIALLY life saving defibrillator has been installed in Coniston Cold, thanks to the fundraising activities of the Bell Busk Community Action group (BBCA).

The group raised money by staging a number of events, including carol singing, has fitted the defibrillator near the bus stop on the A65 at Bell Busk; the group has been working to install the equipment in the area and identified Coniston Cold as a place in need. It received strong support from the community, including resident Jamie Crossman-Smith, who suffered a heart attack in his garage two years ago.

He said: "Nobody should pass up an opportunity to have life-saving equipment like this close at hand in the village,"

Simon Painter, whose house hosts the defibrillator, added: "I am extremely pleased to be in the ideal location in the middle of the village to host the defibrillator. My father-in-law recently had a cardiac event and it is a timely reminder of the importance of having life-saving equipment immediately available in rural communities in the event of an emergency."

While no specific training sessions are currently planned, emergency services have been informed of the defibrillator's location, says the group.

In the event of a suspected heart attack, emergency responders can guide callers to the device and provide instructions on how to use it effectively.