LINDA the rescue hen had a strange look in her eye that puzzled owners Steph Carr and Johnny Greenbank from Settle - until they saw the enormous egg.

The 109gram whopper dwarfed Linda’s usual efforts and was more than twice the size of a medium shop-bought egg.

Steph and Johnny keep hens on their allotment in Cammock Lane - but never have they seen such a whopper.

"We have rescued three hens from caged farms and bought another two younger ones from Bradford- however we believe the chicken that laid the huge egg is little Linda the eldest rescue as she was acting strange for a few days and hadn't laid," they said. "Linda is doing better now and seems happier."

The couple's children who help with the looking after the hens, Lucas, Mylan and Edith, were really excited to weigh the egg and get it cracked open.

Steph added: ''We are not sure why this has occurred. I've been keeping chickens since I was a little girl and I've never seen anything like it. We just feed them on normal pellets and they are doing a great job of getting rid of the weeds on the allotment."

Weighing in at 3. 3/4oz (109g) they wondered whether it would be a quadruple yolker - but surprisingly, it ended up just a double.

"We ate it this morning. It was only a double yolker which was quite disappointing. But the yolks were massive," said Steph