A PLAN to convert the old school hall next to the former Methodist Church in High Street, Burton-in-Lonsdale, to residential use, has been given the go-ahead by North Yorkshire Council.

The former school hall joins the former Methodist Church, which has already been converted to residential use.

A design and access statement with the application says that the 'sympathetic conversion' will retain the form of the existing building from public view while putting it into its 'optimum viable use and safeguarding the building within the street scene for future generations to enjoy'.

In recommending approval, a council planning officer's report, says marketing of the property for community use had been ongoing for a year before the application for its residential conversion was submitted.

The report states: "While several enquiries were received seeking clarification of the community use restriction, there were no requests to view the property and no offers were received.

"On this basis, it is considered that there is no interest in purchasing the application building for community use. It is therefore concluded, that the conversion of the school hall to residential use is acceptable in principle."