Daniel has had a perfect Christmas. Trapped on the yard by the relentless ice and snow, he munched his way steadily through the festive period. When we at last thought it safe to turn him out on the frozen ground, he had expanded so much his rug straps would not meet round his tummy.

“You’re a pair of fat boys,” grumbled yard manager Holly as she struggled to fasten up Daniel and Baby, who had also heartily tucked in to seasonal treats while doing very little else.

Daniel’s wish for “sacks o’ grub” and no work came true – with Santa Claus delivering a large bag of extra mix on Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately for Daniel, his next-door-neighbour Mrs Horse omitted to go shopping before Christmas and her feed bin was empty. Father Christmas had brought the black mare deluxe purple travel boots, but they didn’t help when it came to teatime.

“Gerroff mi grub. Yer’ve got yer own present,” said Daniel, watching in dismay as her purple feed bucket was again replenished.

“Why don’t yer ger ’em boots on an’ go for a long walk,” he grumbled on the third evening of watching his gift being plundered.

It was New Year’s Day when Mrs Horse and Baby were tacked up for the first time in two weeks and Jack and Jenny ventured carefully down Muddy Lane to the cross-country field.

Daniel was treated to another day off because Steve was laid low. Convinced he was dying of a head cold, he muffled himself up in front of Channel 4 Racing and refused to budge.

Although the going was crisp, Mrs Horse and Baby managed a couple of canters. The black mare leaped about in excitement while Baby tootled along behind. Suddenly, the ginger chap plunged into a hidden bog at the bottom of the field.

“Erk,” said Baby as he floundered helplessly before heaving his sturdy back legs free from the mire. Jenny feared he may have lamed himself, but he toddled off totally unconcerned.

By Saturday, Steve felt able to wrap up warmly and brave flurries of snow to ride Daniel. A fierce overnight freeze had left Muddy Lane impassable, but the pair resolutely ploughed a route over the canal bridge and then up and down the hill from the stables to the pub.

“Aren’t we stoppin’ for a pint?” puffed an unfit Daniel as the welcoming hostelry hove in sight for the fourth time. “Stop moaning and get yer new shoes bedded in that I’ve just paid for,” said Steve.

With all three horses newly shod and ready for action, we are hoping for a thaw in time for the rescheduled Christmas Trail Ride on Saturday.

Steve Wright & Jenny Loweth