The Boss is a man who goes his own way, but last week his gung-ho style backfired when the man came to read the water meter. Having built the wagon park on top of it, he was forced to hastily excavate a hole.

Centrally-placed and almost two feet deep, it presented an unwanted hazard on Saturday when Jenny towed the trailer back from its service.

The meter is being covered by a manhole cover, with luck, before the trailer is needed to take Mrs Horse and Daniel to Sunday’s Coniston Hall Cross-Country Schooling Day.

The Boss safely parked the trailer and Jack had mucked out all three horses – leaving Jenny free to saddle Baby. It was the first time she had taken him out on her own since he flung her off in the lane when he was startled by ramblers taking afternoon tea.

It was a pleasant weekend to be out in the Yorkshire Dales and the pair met a steady stream of hikers, mountain bikers and horse riders.

Jenny was very nervous as she and Baby rounded the upland bend towards “Picnickers’ Corner”, but the way was clear and he trundled happily by.

Sunday saw the family, with all three horses and the lurcher, busying in the cross-country field.

In brilliant sunshine, Mrs Horse and Esme galloped about, spectacularly flying over the steeplechase fence and jumping the Very Big Tyres.

Jack and Ben built a show jump at the top of the field. After Mrs Horse had leapt about 3ft 6in over a straight bar, they converted it into a “corner” and then a fan for eventing training.

Daniel and Steve jumped a mini cross-country course with new fluency and confidence, finishing with the big ski jump.

Not so long ago, Daniel would have turned and fled at the unexpected sight of the pink-winged show jump planted at the top of the field. This time, he confidently cleared a 2ft 6in fan.

The jump next became a small crossbar. Baby towed Sophie over it several times before they enthusiastically hurdled the Loch Ness Monster to finish.

Esme’s ambition for the new season is to compete at Skipton Horse Trials. When she last took part, three years ago, she and Mrs Horse came ninth.

Steve plans to take Daniel in the Pre-Novice class at Coniston Hunter Trials and bustle him into winning a place at other cross-country events.

Jack has Coniston in his sights and he is determined to bury the Ghost of Gargrave Show after he and Mrs Horse had problems there last year.

Sophie would like to have success show jumping Daniel and, possibly, compete in working hunter classes with him.

Steve Wright & Jenny Loweth