With Easter approaching, we are rising above our recent shocks and our preparations for the new season are gaining momentum. On Friday, Esme got back on Mrs Horse and jumped her in the school. By Sunday, the pair were cantering around in the cross-country field.

The black mare has been put through her paces by local event rider David Elms, who found her very enthusiastic over her fences!

Daniel’s workload has been stepped up. He is going on fitness-building hacks, doing canter work and jumping in the cross-country field and tackling “skinny” bounces in the school.

After an energetic training session with Hannah on Wednesday, he was ready for a hearty tea. Steve served up a generous portion of mix and oats in his black rubber supper dish.

Daniel was tucking in enthusiastically when an unexpected guest came to dinner. Mr Duck is a regular visitor to Daniel’s stable but had never before dared to call at meal times.

“Yer can ’ave the black bits, but leave the yeller ’uns alone – them’s mi favourits,” said Daniel as Mr Duck enthusiastically pecked a piece of maize.

Although he has a special relationship with Mr Duck, Daniel still worries about feathered things he encounters in the countryside.

A woodpecker has taken up residence in a tree along the lane and often hammers away as the horses are led past to their turnout fields. “’Oo’s knockin’?” asks Daniel, eyes popping and neck craning in search of the hidden enemy.

On Friday, the vet gave Baby his second grass mite injection and recommended removing our horses’ stable rugs and cutting down on hard feed to get them fitter. We have taken our indoor rugs to a laundrette in Skipton for their annual wash. The ladies there eyed Daniel’s well-lived-in pyjamas with trepidation but, two days later, they were looking as good as new.

Baby’s new beginning for the Spring included disinfecting his stable on Sunday to try to get rid of grass mites. Jenny was very pleased when Sue Hayes and Jack took down the heavy metal grille that kept Baby safe during his head-flinging phase. Pinned back for months, and bowed and battered by Baby’s shoving bottom, it will not be missed.

Sunday saw Sophie and Daniel jumping rows of barrels in the school. Gradually, the line was reduced until Daniel was asked to jump a one-barrel arrowhead.

“’Ow’s a bloke meant to do them fiddly things?” he grumbled as a similar obstacle was added two strides away.

Keeping busy has helped us overcome the trauma of Esme’s fall. Everything is now in place for the first Easter Trail at Craven Country Ride on Sunday.

Steve Wright and Jenny Loweth