Tensions as well as blood pressure tend to rise when anyone mentions the ‘c’ word - change, that is!

Last week we learned the district council was in favour of striking a devolution deal for Yorkshire with many implications of how a future Craven would look under a different type of leadership.

This week we are thrown a curveball from the government saying it wants to completely change the planning system.

Ministers tell us the old one, in place since 1947, is no longer any use, is outdated, too complex and the viability of housing need is opaque.

They add the process for negotiating developer contributions to affordable housing and infrastructure is protracted, unclear and also too complex and that all these will be ironed out and made fit for purpose if a new Bill is adopted.

Over the next weeks people will be preparing their representations, both for and against, and after 12 weeks will be collated to access reaction.

As many questions as explanations have arisen from the White Paper.

How will neighbours complain about unwanted development? Will houses pop up anywhere? Who will be in charge of planning if devolution comes about? I expect there will be chance to get answers to these questions in the fullness of time.