I NOTED the letter from Sheila Coe (Craven Herald, August 6) concerning the bollards at the bottom of Castle Street Skipton. They were indeed placed there after a horse ran away down the street and - unable to stop due to the momentum of its heavy loaded cart - it crashed into a shop across the other side of Keighley Road.

Sheila could well be right in stating that one of the shops in the nostalgia picture (July 30) was W. Shuttleworth, Grocer, but the actual shop which the horse with cart crashed into was Harrison's.

Soon after leaving school in 1961, I worked for T.T Chapman Builders, whose premises were in Bowers Yard just over the road from the beside the canal, and at that time some First World War veterans were still employed there besides a Boer War veteran still occasionally popping round to cast his eye over jobs.

From these hardy gentlemen, I managed to bottle quite a lot of local history including of course concerning the exploits and heroics of local men at the battle Front. And, by chance it transpired that one of 'Chatty's men' was on site to help untangle the wreckage of the horse and cart episode including him seeing to the welfare of the horse.

Roger Ingham
